Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I need time to stitch.....

My goal for Thursday is to stitch when I get home from work. I am almost finished with my spring exchange. Yeah! I didn't even have time today, well, I guess I could have not posted and stitched, but I love blogging. Plus Survivor was on tonight. Poor Anthony got voted off. They should have got rid of Rocky. Tune in next week!
I'm hoping that John and I can go out to eat this weekend at Red Lobster. Fingers crossed!
My assistant manager at school is not gonna be returning next year. I wonder who we will get? I hope someone nice.
I have flowers sneaking through my flower bed. I filled my birds feeder this afternoon. I've been humming the songs from Wicked all day. Can't wait to get my CD. I still am in awe over that musical. It kinda makes me wish that I had tried to make it in NY when I was 18. I had just placed third in state for voice at a college meet,I really wanted to go to NY and perform, I wished I had more confidence in my voice to go. But, then I'd have never met my hubby. Life is bittersweet sometimes. I still sing at church and every chance I get.
Till tomorrow!

1 comment:

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Oh HECK...was it a special survivor or something?!