Monday, May 21, 2007

Beware Ladies!

I have been a victim of credit card fraud. I just found out today. I have had to close that account and put flags out on all my bank accounts. It's really sad that someone has to steal instead of working for things the hard way. I am by no means rich, and it puts a hurt on me to think that what little credit or money I do have, someone is gonna ruin it for me! So...., please make sure you check your statements when they come in the mail. I usually just open the front of the letter to check the due date. Never really paid much to what was on the statement, something told me to look today! Thank goodness I did. Whoever has my credit card number must be really lonely! Not very nice company names appeared on the bill. Please pay attention. I have learned the hard way. At least most of the charges will be put back into my account. Fingers crossed!
Now on to stitching news! I need to get started on a pif! I have picked out the pattern, just need to start, hope to start tonight! Dancing With the Stars! comes on tonight, perfect time to start.
2 more days left of school! I can't wait! Summer vacation here I come!
Till later!


Vonna Pfeiffer said...

What a nasty terrible thing to find out...people are just least you'll get your money back.

Hurray for summer vacation, we have 6 more days :)

Marie said...

That is really horrid! I recently was issued a new Mastercard (did not request one) They told me that Mastercard had some type of security breech that affected hundreds of thousands of customers. Fortunately no false charges hit my account!
Hope your day gets better!

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

That is terrible! So sorry it happened to you!

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry that your cc was stolen. Thats horrible. My DH"s roommate when he was in AIT for the Army stole his card number too. To think even military soldiers can be so dishonest! Thankfully the money was returned to us.

Cheryl said...

That's terrible, i always dread something like that happening

anna s. said...

Ohhh. I'm so sorry to hear that! Is that contagious through blogs or what?? You know I'm battling myself with a personal data fraud... so sorry you've been hit but releived to read it won't cost you much! ((hugs))

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