Saturday, July 12, 2008

Thank you Michele!

Look what sweet Michele sent me! She sent me some floss and the cutest napkins I've ever seen! (I needed Bella Rosa!) Thanks so much for the birthday surprise!

I've been stitching on a exchange for the SBEBB. So no pictures, but it's gonna be great!

I'm starting to worry, my partner in the Quaker Critter hasn't blogged about receiving my exchange I made for her, I'm worried! I specifically stitched in these colors for her, I sure hope she gets my package soon! I sent it first class on the 27th of June. Please Mr.Postman, hurry up and deliver to her!

John has some of this week off( well we think he will) I hope if he does he can rest some. I know he already has plans. We are gonna plan to try and sneak off one evening for dinner, just the two of us.

Cross your fingers friends, I have a interview on Tuesday at Harbins Elem. School for a cashier in the cafeteria! Please let me get it! I so want this job!

Well, here it is midnight again. It's gonna kill me to get back in to school hours again. Ugh!

Have a great weekend!



Michelle-ozark crafter said...

That was a lovely package to get! Fingers AND eyes crossed for you! LOL! And a prayer being said as well.

stitcherw said...

What a fun packet to receive, and I'll keep my fingers crossed the Quaker Critter one you sent arrives soon. That would be so frustrating and worrysome to have sent it and have it taking so long to get there. Also hope you get the position you're wanting, good luck at the interview.

Tanya Marie said...

Hope you get the job!!! Keep us posted :o)

Fingers crossed,

Marie said...

What a nice birthday surprise...Happy belated birthday~

Good luck, I will keep my fingers crossed that you get the job!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

What a sweetie Michele is! She sent me a giftie too with Fancy Nancy Green tho' :)
Praying and wishing on stars for you and your new job!

Michele said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed the little package :)

Good luck about the job!!! I'll keep my toes crossed .. I still want to stitch! lol :)

Andrea said...

Lovely gift. Fingers crossed for the interview.

Kim B said...

What a thoughtful little gift!

I think dinner "just the two of us" is an important part of living!

Where have I been?

  Life certainly doesn’t stop, does it?  I have missed my blog, yet I wasn’t such a great steward of it these past long years. I was sucked ...