John's Uncle Dewey was buried today. We went to the funeral this afternoon. Boy, the wind was whipping up a storm. At least it didn't rain on us today. I do have to say my husband looked quite handsome in his suit. It's a shame he only wears it to weddings or funerals.
John has to work this weekend, so it will be a quiet weekend with him at work. Usually on the weekends we do something together, even if it's to roam around the yard talking about what we want to plant in the garden this spring.
You know what's funny? My SIL's ex husband has bought the house next to us. Weird, huh!
More on that story as it unfolds!
I plan to start my Quaker RR tonight. My HFFRR is almost thru, I have just a little bit more to do on that one. I need to get my Tea Time exchange ready to mail. Hope to have it mailed by next Wednesday. Finding the right box is hard, either they are too big or not big enough!
My cat Boo Boo Kitty went to the vet yesterday to get his shots and his yearly checkup, that cat weighs 17.4 lbs! What a beast! He is so lovey though! vet says Boo looks great!
We only have 51 more days of school! I can't believe that we are almost done for the year! Countdown for me!
Well, off to stitch! Have a great weekend everybody!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I was tagged the other day.....
So I have to list 7 facts about myself, so here goes!
1. I hate the way grass feels on my feet! Ohh, can't stand it!
2. I dislike clowns, they bother me. It started when I was little and went to the circus.
3. I really don't know what I want to be yet. I should go back to school, but I'm scared.
4. I love tea parties.
5. I would love to have my short stories published. I dream of being a writer. Always have.
6. I want so badly for my boys to go to college, I never did and I want more for them.
7. I would love to go to Alaska one day.
So, now I need to tag acouple of friends. Here's the rules, you blog seven facts about yourself, then you pass it on to your friends, letting them know you have been tagged.
Here's the hard part, most everyone I know has been tagged recently, so I tag Judy, Cheryl (I think it's been awhile since you were tagged), Anna, if you want to play, gosh everyone I know has been tagged. So if you are reading and you want to play, please play. It's fun to read and learn about each other.
Now my sister Judy has a new blog, and she has finished her first cross stitch piece on linen. Please check her out
I'm tuckered out tonight, I've been head cook in the kitchen these past 2 days and I'm exhausted! Thank goodness I go to floater tomorrow.
Have a great night!
1. I hate the way grass feels on my feet! Ohh, can't stand it!
2. I dislike clowns, they bother me. It started when I was little and went to the circus.
3. I really don't know what I want to be yet. I should go back to school, but I'm scared.
4. I love tea parties.
5. I would love to have my short stories published. I dream of being a writer. Always have.
6. I want so badly for my boys to go to college, I never did and I want more for them.
7. I would love to go to Alaska one day.
So, now I need to tag acouple of friends. Here's the rules, you blog seven facts about yourself, then you pass it on to your friends, letting them know you have been tagged.
Here's the hard part, most everyone I know has been tagged recently, so I tag Judy, Cheryl (I think it's been awhile since you were tagged), Anna, if you want to play, gosh everyone I know has been tagged. So if you are reading and you want to play, please play. It's fun to read and learn about each other.
Now my sister Judy has a new blog, and she has finished her first cross stitch piece on linen. Please check her out
I'm tuckered out tonight, I've been head cook in the kitchen these past 2 days and I'm exhausted! Thank goodness I go to floater tomorrow.
Have a great night!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
No pictures of baby yet due to.........
The fact that I have been sick. I do believe I picked up something from the hospital. I went home after seeing the new baby and bam, the next morning I was coughing like I had the croup. It was crazy. It hit me so fast, but finally here it is Sunday night and I'm starting to feel normal again.
I have gotten alot of stitching done, I'm happy with myself. My pattern finally came on Friday! I will show a picture of that tomorrow, Jacob sucks up the battery all the time with his movies he makes. So I was only able to take 3 pictures before camera died.
Last week was so rushed with meetings and things that had to get done, I'm hoping for a much quieter week. The only thing scheduled is on Friday and that's Boo Boo Kitty's vet check up for his shots. Poor Boo!
Keep fingers crossed that Jacob makes the Student Leadership Team, only the top ten percent of the class get nominated. Jacob got the nomination and we had to fill out all kinds of paperwork and get it notarized for the school. I know if he gets it, he will get to meet the governor and be a part of young leaders in Gwinnett. This will look good on a collage resume I keep telling him.
Enough of my pride in my son. Now on to other son Jason, hoping for a smooth senior year for him next year. We picked classes this week, he's gonna be taking stagecraft, acting and weight training. Plus the usual three r's. He was the lead in a play 2 years ago and I really felt he did a great job. I know his life is turned upside down right now and trying to know what you want to do after you graduate is hard. I don't know if you have heard of World of Warcraft, but that is Jason's main purpose in life right now. He just wants to play that stupid game( but currently he is grounded due to a failing grade- We are so mean right now he says) hahaha Life stinks son!
Remember, they are all cute and cuddly, then they grow up, shave, stink up the bathroom, and forget to do their homework. Sigh!
Give me strength Lord! I need it!
Hoping that everyone has a great week ahead of them!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
New Baby!
Remember Anglynn? Well, she is now the proud mommy of a beautiful baby girl! Cadence Leann Thomas, born Feb.19, 2008 8lbs. 5 oz. 20 inches long. She is quite beautiful if Aunt Donna does say so. I went to the hospital today after work to see how mommy and baby are doing. Angelynn was blessed with a relatively short labor ( less than 8 hours ) !!!!!
What did I do wrong when I was in labor? I labored for 36 hours with Jason, 27 with Jacob!
The nurse did say that teens do have a easier time. Oh well!
As soon as they get home I'll take pictures. I totally forgot to bring the camera, well I remembered about half way there. I was not turning around. So, give me a couple days to get a picture up. She is blessed to have a wonderful caring family to help her.
On to stitching, working on my rr for HFFRR. Still waiting on my new rr pattern to come. I'm getting discouraged Wyndham Needleworks! Hurry up and please come!
Only 2 days left this week. Yeah, I want to have another restful weekend!
Well, off to stitch and be a lazy hound dog!
What did I do wrong when I was in labor? I labored for 36 hours with Jason, 27 with Jacob!
The nurse did say that teens do have a easier time. Oh well!
As soon as they get home I'll take pictures. I totally forgot to bring the camera, well I remembered about half way there. I was not turning around. So, give me a couple days to get a picture up. She is blessed to have a wonderful caring family to help her.
On to stitching, working on my rr for HFFRR. Still waiting on my new rr pattern to come. I'm getting discouraged Wyndham Needleworks! Hurry up and please come!
Only 2 days left this week. Yeah, I want to have another restful weekend!
Well, off to stitch and be a lazy hound dog!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Update on RR!
Quick look at my rr today. It's Monday and we have the day off from school, so I'm getting ready to settle down and stitch for awhile. Eating some pasta for lunch, drinking my green tea and then I'm ready.
Hope to be able to have more done today.
Off to stitch!
Hope to be able to have more done today.
Off to stitch!
My Daisy is the best kitty in the world! I just love her to pieces!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Linen for Quaker RR bought and ready!
I went shopping today with my sister! She lives near Abcedarius (her LNS) and I just love it, it's such a shame that they are an hour away from me, in reality, that's probably a good thing because I would most likey drop by the shop every day or so. I'd never have any money, but I'd be happy!
I picked out my linen and silk colors. Now just waiting for my pattern to come, I ordered last week as soon as Edgar advised which pattern we were using. Of course I also bought a few pieces of assorted linen squares. The shop owner always has a basket with smaller pieces of linen that are perfect for smaller projects, I stock up everytime I go. I bought alot of neat patterns to add to exchange goodies. I have three upcoming. Tea Time, Ewe to You, and Feathered Friends!
Next we went out to eat to Olive Garden! Was very good, only ate a salad and 2 bread sticks! Then every girls fantasy or nightmare in my sister's case-Shoe Shopping! I found the cutest shoes from Rocket Dog! Come on, the name made me buy them! hahaha
My sissy had trouble buying shoes, I wear a size 6, her foot is smaller than mine 4 and a half to a 5. Makes it hard for her to find shoes since she has tiny feet. But she did luck out and found one pair.
After that I went home were my hubby took me out on our date! We promised each other that we would start having a date night and I love it! I looked good tonight and Johnny said I was turning heads! I've lost 40 pounds so far, I'd love to lose 20 more, then I'd be pretty much back to what I was before my second pregnancy!
I know I've blown away your ears tonight, but late at night I don't have to beg to use the computer. Jacob usually goes to bed around 11:30 on the weekends, so I had a free computer!
Hope everyone had a great day! I know I did!
I picked out my linen and silk colors. Now just waiting for my pattern to come, I ordered last week as soon as Edgar advised which pattern we were using. Of course I also bought a few pieces of assorted linen squares. The shop owner always has a basket with smaller pieces of linen that are perfect for smaller projects, I stock up everytime I go. I bought alot of neat patterns to add to exchange goodies. I have three upcoming. Tea Time, Ewe to You, and Feathered Friends!
Next we went out to eat to Olive Garden! Was very good, only ate a salad and 2 bread sticks! Then every girls fantasy or nightmare in my sister's case-Shoe Shopping! I found the cutest shoes from Rocket Dog! Come on, the name made me buy them! hahaha
My sissy had trouble buying shoes, I wear a size 6, her foot is smaller than mine 4 and a half to a 5. Makes it hard for her to find shoes since she has tiny feet. But she did luck out and found one pair.
After that I went home were my hubby took me out on our date! We promised each other that we would start having a date night and I love it! I looked good tonight and Johnny said I was turning heads! I've lost 40 pounds so far, I'd love to lose 20 more, then I'd be pretty much back to what I was before my second pregnancy!
I know I've blown away your ears tonight, but late at night I don't have to beg to use the computer. Jacob usually goes to bed around 11:30 on the weekends, so I had a free computer!
Hope everyone had a great day! I know I did!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
A few pictures to show!
My honey treated me to wonderful goodies and I love him for it! Thank you Johnny!
I gave both my boys a little goody bag filled with candy! I know they probably hate that I made them sit for a picture, but hey, I'm Mom! They secretly still enjoy every holiday that comes around. I try to treat them every chance I get.
I spent today cleaning the house so I will have the weekend free! Saturday-shopping with Judy!
Sunday-gonna visit my Momma! (I had flowers delivered to her today, she called to tell me they are beautiful) Monday is a free day from school! I plan to be a lazy hound dog since I've already got the house cleaning done! What a wonderful feeling that is!
So I hope everyone had a restful, joyful day and see ya tomorrow!
I gave both my boys a little goody bag filled with candy! I know they probably hate that I made them sit for a picture, but hey, I'm Mom! They secretly still enjoy every holiday that comes around. I try to treat them every chance I get.
I spent today cleaning the house so I will have the weekend free! Saturday-shopping with Judy!
Sunday-gonna visit my Momma! (I had flowers delivered to her today, she called to tell me they are beautiful) Monday is a free day from school! I plan to be a lazy hound dog since I've already got the house cleaning done! What a wonderful feeling that is!
So I hope everyone had a restful, joyful day and see ya tomorrow!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope everyone gets chocolate, lots of kisses and love from their loved ones and friends!
I sent flowers to my Momma, I sure wish I could be there when they get delivered! I love you Mom!
I'm spending this Saturday with my sister Judy, we are going to Abdedarius ( her LNS ). I'm buying my linen and picking out my silk color for the Quaker Friendship RR. Thanks to Edgar for letting me know the linen size. I've ordered my pattern, but didn't think it would get here before Saturday!
A note about my friend with breast cancer, she will be having a double mascetomy and starting chemo soon. Wish her sucess in the doctors skill and her determined outlook to live! Go Hope!
Well off to stitch, sorry no pictures of stitching, camera battery is charging. Hope for tomorrow!
I sent flowers to my Momma, I sure wish I could be there when they get delivered! I love you Mom!
I'm spending this Saturday with my sister Judy, we are going to Abdedarius ( her LNS ). I'm buying my linen and picking out my silk color for the Quaker Friendship RR. Thanks to Edgar for letting me know the linen size. I've ordered my pattern, but didn't think it would get here before Saturday!
A note about my friend with breast cancer, she will be having a double mascetomy and starting chemo soon. Wish her sucess in the doctors skill and her determined outlook to live! Go Hope!
Well off to stitch, sorry no pictures of stitching, camera battery is charging. Hope for tomorrow!
Friday, February 8, 2008
New RR to start!
Edgar let me in on his Quaker Friendship RR! I'm excited to say I've ordered my pattern, need to decide what color of floss I want to use. I'm thinking of using silks! Edgar says they stitch wonderfully.
I plan to have a easy weekend, I want to stitch on HFFRR. I'd like to start on Tea Time Exchange also, can't though until my pattern comes from Stitching Bits and Bobs. I'm kind of surprised it hasn't gotten here yet, normally I get stuff from them quickly, it's been almost 2 weeks, I'm starting to worry.
Here's my progress on Janice's rr.
The heart thread keeper we made for my SBBC partner! I wanted to show everyone the little heart John made for me to give away!
Well, John's got a fire for me tonight, so I'm gonna curl up on the couch and relax with my stitching!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
So what's a Dacula?
Well, that's my hometown! I live in Dacula, GA. We have a small hometown feel even though we are growing. Our taste of Dacula( which is by the way a opportunity for local restrauants and businesses to showcase what they serve or have. We had 28 businesses that participated! The DHS Band sold tickets for $10 a piece, then you get to sample everything in the building. We set it up in the high school commons area and you get to eat, eat and eat! I've never been able to try all the restrauants. It's a very busy evening for the ones that pull it all together. The band committee has been working on this since October 07. (Don't forget-I'm the VP for the Band Booster Club) It was a sucess! Everyone had a good time, stuffed tummys and we made lots of money! We sold over 600 tickets! We had businesses that ran out of food, they said next year they would make sure they had enough! Fernado's was very popular, our local mexican restrauant has the best food! Yummy!
As to stitching, I have my SBBC package in the mail and winging it's way overseas! I sure hope she likes everything.
I'm stitching on my RR, plus a couple of exchanges! Hope for pictures tomorrow!
I normally don't do this, but, my coworker has just been diagnoised with breast cancer, please pray for her! She has 3 children and she is such a fun person to be around! She makes me laugh! Help me to be strong for her! She doesn't want pity or people feeling sorry for her!
Well, that's all for the night!
As to stitching, I have my SBBC package in the mail and winging it's way overseas! I sure hope she likes everything.
I'm stitching on my RR, plus a couple of exchanges! Hope for pictures tomorrow!
I normally don't do this, but, my coworker has just been diagnoised with breast cancer, please pray for her! She has 3 children and she is such a fun person to be around! She makes me laugh! Help me to be strong for her! She doesn't want pity or people feeling sorry for her!
Well, that's all for the night!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Oh the despair....
The agony of defeat! I was so bummed that my team was beaten. The Patriots just couldn't pull this one out. Of course my husband rooted for the other team just to tease me! Hopefully next year Patriots.
Finally figured out the new program. So I have pictures! I'm knitting away, plus check out the tasty dessert I made. When I was little, my momma would make this tasty treat only during the holidays. It is a pastry filled with peanut butter, brown sugar, white sugar and cinnamon, all rolled up in a pie crust dough with butter. So yummy. I made it, it disappeared so fast, I'm gonna have to make another one! haha
Here is my progress on Janice's RR. I'm stitching The Harvesters from LHN for my square!
Well, tonight is Taste of Dacula, so I'll be leaving shortly to work up at the school for our main fundraiser! Wish us luck!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Well, can't post any pictures yet.....
Something wacky is happening to the drive on my computer. I'll have to ask Jacob when he gets out of the shower. Don't you just hate it! I finally have a little stitching to show you. So glad it's the weekend, got my grocery buying done, laundry almost done, I'll be able to stitch all day on Sunday!
Are you ready Patriot Fans? Yes!!!!! I'm cheering on my team! I hope they can be undefeated the whole season! Only bad thing is John has to work tomorrow, so I won't have my hubby being able to stay up with me. Bummer.
Hoping everyone has had a safe week!
Are you ready Patriot Fans? Yes!!!!! I'm cheering on my team! I hope they can be undefeated the whole season! Only bad thing is John has to work tomorrow, so I won't have my hubby being able to stay up with me. Bummer.
Hoping everyone has had a safe week!
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Life certainly doesn’t stop, does it? I have missed my blog, yet I wasn’t such a great steward of it these past long years. I was sucked ...

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