Yesterday was my hubby's birthday! He turned 46! He had to work of course, but I did bake him a cake plus I bought a Honey Baked ham for dinner. Homemade mac and cheese, that item is a staple in our household. My family does not like the box kind.
John's picture is not the best, he was in the process of blowing out his candle! He's my #1 man!
He will hate knowing I put his picture up, but at least his Mom will get to see him. Hi Shirley!
Today is my side effect day from my meds. I take a weekly dose for my PA/RA, the next day I have a upset tummy. Coke is my big friend on Thursdays!
Friends, I am trying to organize my floss-well I hope too. I wonder, should I use the plastic bobbin winders to hold my floss, the DMC floss box that I bought had cardboard, but they seem flimsy. Has anyone used the cardboard kind? Versus plastic? I know the plastic are more, but I'd rather not have to rewind.
No news on the job front, talked to Human Resources yesterday, there had been a misunderstanding about me, they thought I wanted to go to Pucketts Mill, NOT!!!!!! It is farther, I cannot work for a militant bitch, excuse that, my manager knew that, so why did everyone think that I wanted to go to that school? So, for the past couple of weeks here, my file has been just sitting there! I'm furious, sometimes county employment is not the greatest. So if I can't get a transfer to another school, by July 15th or so, I have to either work at Pucketts Mill or quit the county. The way I feel right now is to quit, but I had hoped to work school hours until my youngest had graduated.
I hate to vent to my stitching friends, but I don't have anyone to vent to other than my family, and my momma thinks I should seek legal advice, but if I do that, I'll risk the possibility of being chosen for a transfer. What a freakin mess! Since I didn't have seniority, I got dumped from my school. I should never had stood up for Hope, I really think that's why I'm in this mess. From now on, I'm not gonna try to befriend anyone else in the school system. It doesn't pay to be nice.
Ok, vent over, now on to stitching goodies! I just subscribed to Just Cross Stitch, so can't wait to get my first issue. I always miss it at the store, plus they never seem to carry more than 3 or 4 when they come out.
I have recently came upon Mary Garry Sewing Cabin designs. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any to buy. So I'm looking for some. I saw one of a girl holding a leash with her pet cat or dog, I want to get that one if possible.
Well, this post seems to be running on, so I'll leave you to stitch! I've got to pick out a design for my first Make A Wish exchange! I get to stitch for Chantel, she wants a pincushion! So I'm off to search for a pin cushion to make for her! Cheers!