My Friends,
Let me tell you that this week has been the best camp ever! Our kids are amazing! How you can take 87 kids and give them 5 days and how hard they try and succeed at learning new music and marching steps is beyond me. We are doing Wicked! What a week. Jacob has shined like the bright star that he is. How I love him. With him being my youngest, my heart aches with everyday that passes. (OMGosh, I'm crying already!) Jacob is such a clown, Harkness (our band director) told me he doesn't know what he's gonna do without Jacob next year! Jacob adores Harkness. I'll post afew pictures that I have now, plus more when my friends get me the main disc.
The Seniors got to have a swimming party that only they can attend. They got to skip 3 hours of practice so they could enjoy their special party. What fun we all had! Thanks to Ann for sharing her home and pool! You are the best!
Camp ended today at noon and so many didn't want to leave. I feel blessed that God let me have a relatively easy week with my RA. I worried every night that I'd wake up in pain and so stiff that I wouldn't be able to work camp. Thank goodness for Tramadol and Flexerill, they keep me going! We'd get up at 6:30am, rush to get ready, Jacob would eat his cereal on the way to the school, arrive @ 7:30, start practicing at 8am and we would run pretty much non stop till 9pm. I am so tired. I'm happy it's over, but I will miss this next year. For the past 4 years, Band has dominated my life. I'm thankful for my husband who has made this past week extra special! He has not once complained or made me feel guilty and I love him for that. He was so jealous of all the time that I spent with the band, but he sees the end of the tunnel, and after meeting these kids and seeing how much they love me, he's softened his heart and sharing me. I think it surprised him when we were shopping one day and I saw some of my kids, and of course they rushed us like crazy. ( I kept telling him that these kids need me! ) So thank you baby! I love you!
No stitching, but camp is over and I just picked up my new glasses! What do you think?
I've missed ya'll this week, but I'm back and I can't wait to check up on all of ya'll!
I'm thankful for all my band kids! I love everyone of them! They are the best!