I just love Tuesday nights! It's a chance for me to be around new friends and do something that I so love! To cross stitch! Our little group of friends is perfect, everyone is unique in their own way. I have a feeling that these ladies will help me when I am feeling down or when I'm struggling with letting go of a certain young man who's looking forward to college. Sniff, sniff....
I hope everyone has went to Terri's blog to sign up for the giveaway. Good luck y'all!
I get to be in my element Saturday, it's my day to be at the shop! Yeehaw! Y'all would never know I'm from Loganville, GA, would y'all? I'll never forget when my music coach told me I had to drop the drawl if I ever wanted to sing professionally. Well, folks, it's hard to take the country out of the girl.
I am now on another round of antibiotics. (This will make 5 weeks of taking some kind of antibiotic.) Sigh.......... Another 10 days, then we will recheck my lungs. OK people, I've got a bone to pick! (Now, if you are a friend of mine, I'm sorry, just listen to the rant!)
1. If you are sick, please go to the doctor. Get meds to get better.
2. Don't just think it will get better.
3. Because, people like moi! Me, DaisyGirl, who has PsA/RA, she doesn't have an immune system that works, so she catches everything in the world!
4. Please!! Help me get better, don't sneeze or cough on me! Thank you!
OK, rant over. The doctor feels that I can't get better because I'm getting re-infected by people who are sick at my school. You know who you are! Plus every time I hug a child or hug or shake your hand at school, I pick up every germ out there. They are doing a culture on me to see if there is an underlining problem. I love these kids at my school, I would hate to have to leave my school due to my health. I'm glad that I'm well liked and lovable, but I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired! hahaha
Well, I have to fill out the FASA form tonight for Jacob! (College is so expensive!)
Hugs to all my readers and friends!
I love ya!
ps:You can now click on the the Stitch Store logo and go right to the shop! :)