Thursday, July 10, 2014

The day is long and useless. I sit on my couch and contemplate my life and what I want to do. How I wish I were wealthy or at least had the comfort of extra money to do or not to do if I desire. Why is life dependent upon money? You need money to buy food or else you will starve. Money to pay for everything. Some days it seems so hopeless and sad. I can’t even imagine the people who are truly poor and homeless. Would I being willing to give up things that I have become use too? Do I really need cable? Internet? My face cream and perfume that I adore? As I sit here shaking my head, I can say, it’d be very hard to give up my vices.

I look at my dogs laying on the couch and I am again reminded of the simple things that makes them happy. A wag of their tail, a sweet lick on the face, those small things make me happy. Unless Wally is destroying my knitting needles!

Hugs from my house to yours!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What a week!

A death, a heart attack, and I'm exhausted! Momma had a mild heart attack and Mrs. Corley passed away. So it's been a week of sorrow and fear. 
Things need to look up, we are leaving for Florida on Sunday, so we really need a week of relaxing. 
Working on a cowl for my future daughter in law, this is gorgeous yarn! 
I'm trying to lose weight again, I'd love to lose another 20lbs, it's just so much work with having to workout for 2 hours! But once we get back from Saint Augustine , I shall be trying once again! Wish me luck! If I could get to 170, I'd be a happy camper!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

It's 2:36 a.m. and I'm awake ............

Why am I awake this late again? Hmmm, seems that the yarn was screaming my name! I'm knitting items for my cousin Jessica, she is due at the end of June and I want her to have some pretties! I've already completed the burp towel, working on the baby booties now! Though my eyes are drooping, I had to get to a safe row to stop! Lol
More shall occur tomorrow! Jess will love these gifts! 
Butters is enjoying the burp towel right now! I will wash and block it tomorrow! I love the pink plaid that this yarn reproduced! Very soft too! 
Only 4 more school days left! Hooray for me! These last couple of days will be a challenge for the cafe staff, they are gonna put in air conditioning in our kitchen over the summer break, which is a good thing, but it's a nightmare cause we have to literally move all our equipment and pans and canned items to the other end of the school in a vacant classroom. We start moving our stuff on Monday! Please body, hang tough! 
It's late and I'm closing for now! Sleep tight my friends!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Life keeps moving.........

Even if you aren't ready! I am back to work, even though I seriously feel like they are putting too much on me. I am trying to keep up with the added workload but in doing so, it has caused my PsA to flare. Ugh! Lol
I have put in applications for a desk job elsewhere. I'm hoping to hear something this summer. Crossing my fingers!!
Someone special has touched my heart and I am glad for it! I love how sincere true friendship can be. In today's busy world with internet, cell phones and many other avenues to talk and greet, it becomes a hustle and bustle world, and it's easy to get caught up in the oo's and ahh's of everything! 
I've really gotten into knitting as my vision for cross stitch has become so bad :(
But I am excited to learn new techniques to make new and wonderful gifts! I'm conquering cables! Hooray for me!!!!
Just a few pics and I'll sign off tonight!
Donna May :)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I have knitted so many things!

Learning to knit is wonderful! It is soothing, abet a little frustrating at times, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it! I've made baby booties, a baby hat, scarves and cowls galore! It is exciting seeing something take shape :)
I am still out on medical leave, started rehab on the 10th of Feb. and it's been tough! 3 times a week is taking a toll on my pocketbook! Lol plus having the massage part is nice but still expensive. Ugh! Wished I were rich! Lol
I'm hoping that I get cleared to go back to work next week on reduced workload. It'd be nice to get out again everyday! I'm missing my students. One of my favorite classes sent me handmade cards which brightened my day! What's funny is I've been out since the end of December and I received a get well card from my principal today! I'm scheduled to hopefully go back on the 3rd of March! Kinda late sending the card Dr. Truett! Lol
I have a new great niece! Olivia Fay! Born 6 weeks early but she is doing great! Chunky little monkey! Y'all will love my pictures! 
Well, it's almost midnight and I have rehab in the morning! Hugs!
And a big shot out to Lisa! Your kind words made me feel sooooo much better!
DaisyGirl loves ya!

Monday, January 27, 2014

What a mess! I'm sick of sitting!

I have been knitting as much as I can! I am working on my nieces baby gift booties! I finished the second bootie, just have to seam them up! I've also made a cowl for a friend, she paints and I knit, so we swapped! She's making me a wall hanging for my niece for her dorm room! 
My hamstring is taking freaking forever, but I knew it would be awhile before I'd be able to walk. I'm getting pretty good with my wheelchair. I got my hamstring brace on the 24th and rehab starts soon for me! :) yea! I'm so lonely and I miss my students at school!
As soon as I get the booties completed, I'll post pictures! These are my first pair!
I have to say that I learned who my real friends from school were. You find out real quick that you are easily replaced and nobody cares enough to call. It does make me sad and my husband has tried to console my poor pitiful heart concerning this matter. A person works for 13 years and thinks that they matter, but if you have to take a leave of absence, you really find out who cares. All I know is I will no longer be donating monies or sending cards to anymore staff members at my school when I return. I know that sounds hateful, but I was really crushed that nobody even sent an email to see how I've been. I've been out since the 13th and I will be out till March 1st as long as I heal quickly.
Enough moaning, lol. Lesson learned, husband says do your job and do not do extra anymore. :(
My dogs are keeping me company thru the days, which does help!
Hoping everyone is surviving the frigid cold weather out there! 
Hugs from DaisyGirl 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

3 weeks of non weight bearing on the right leg!

Omg! It's Day 3 and I'm stir crazy! Lol 
At least I do have my wheelchair now and crutches so that will help. I had my PRP procedure via CT/Ultrasound on Monday afternoon. I must be a turnip, it took the hospital lab tech 11 try's to draw my stem cells. Finally after an hour of being stabbed and bled, they took what they were able to get and off to the centriufe they went. One hour later they got me set up on the table and got me ready, I have to say, it hurt pretty bad! They don't give you anything due to the risk of meds changing the stem cells, afterward, they gave me something to help with the pain. Now to keep weight off the hamstring for 3 weeks. 
Tomorrow will be spent starting a new knitting project, baby booties for my niece's baby shower gift. So cross my fingers I can knit in time! 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

First ever knitted Cowl!

My first ever knitted cowl! Sweet! I bought this yarn from the Yarn Garden in downtown Lawrenceville. I wished I remembered the name and brand of the yarn! Lol
It is very soft and cozy feeling! 
Looks like I'll be getting to sit and knit a lot soon. My results from my MRI are bad news. :(
I have torn 2 of my hamstring tendons from the sit bone. :( totally pulled them off my butt bone! Ugh! Next up is 2 PRP injections in the hamstring region and hope for healing to start, they do the PRP injections one at a time, truthfully, they are horrible! The one I had in August put me down for 5 days! John had to help pick me up, the ortho doc wants to try this first before he decides to cut me open, cause if I have to do that route, I'll be in a leg brace for 6 weeks, then rehab. Ugh! 
Who would have ever though this would knock me out for the game! Pray friends, I'm despondent and depressed about not being able to just hop up and go do what I want. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

How I rang in the New Year!

Totally loving this yarn! It is very soft and cozy! Hand dyed too, in my favorite colors! It will be a cowl when finished! 

Where have I been?

  Life certainly doesn’t stop, does it?  I have missed my blog, yet I wasn’t such a great steward of it these past long years. I was sucked ...