Friday, August 31, 2007

RR Update

Well, I can't decide how I want to put my snowman. Should I put him beside the tree or kind of up behind the tree. Like if you were walking behind the house. I've got bunnies and birds to add also. I just don't want to frog at all!

I left work early today, I'm still hurting with my kidney. It's been very painful these past 2 days. I see my urologist next Thursday. Gosh I hope I can make it to then. I do have an assortment of pain meds to help until I'm seen. I know I'm gonna have to have surgery again. My poor right kidney is damaged and is over worked as it is. Let's hope it gets better fast.

I want to show you Vonna's square, but I can't! Boo hoo! I'm terrible aren't I.

Has anyone seen the new Cross Eyed Cricket Halloween designs? I just love them. Just Nan has a terrific Halloween Tree design that I like also. I enjoy Halloween designs. Those cross stitch pieces that I've pictured are gonna be pins. I normally don't stitch on aida, but the design called for them, they did turn out really nice. I've got to try and find a little witch's hat for the witch. They stitched up really fast, they were from a Stitcher's World magazine from a couple years ago.

Well, I'm gonna go take my meds and take a rest. Have a great weekend!



Michelle-ozark crafter said...

Take care of yourself sweetie! i will pray for you. I know how painful kidney problems are. I nearly died at age four because of my kidneys and bladder. Had my first surgery at age 5 and another at age 11 and was supposed to have another but didn't. So I have struggled all my life with it. Hang in there, you will be okay!

Cheryl said...

Im so sorry to hear you're in so much pain. That sounds so awful. I hope everything will be ok.
Love the halloween stitching and the rr looks good too, im not sure where you should put the snowman, maybe behind??

Julie said...

Oh your witches are too cool! :-) I love them!

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