Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Where does the time go?

I am such a bad blogger! So much has occurred and I am overwhelmed! Y'all know I had some hip issues and well, ended up having to have a procedure on the hip in August. I struggled thru the surgery and the post op period, it was an experimental procedure called PRP injection. Lets just say, I may not do the second one! Lol. They take your blood and centrifuge it, then they inject that back into the injured area and cross your fingers! No pain meds to help ease the pain of trying to reach the hip joint, plus I had to be free of all my PsA/Sjogrens meds for 7 days before the procedure. So I'm sure you can guess, a flare occurred and the pain was horrible. It's been 3 and a half weeks and I still can't sleep on my right side! Ugh! Rehab is ordered, but John has been out of work for 15 weeks, and I just can't afford my 55 dollar copay twice a week! Double ugh!
Keep your fingers crossed that his company gets the bid! They've been told they have about a week's worth, just waiting to see if they win the next job bid!
Thank goodness we did have money saved, but our account is getting pretty skinny! Lol
One to good news though, I won a $50 gift certificate at Laurel's Stitchery shop online! I've waited until after market to shop so I can get some of the newest goodies that are out there!
The bottom pic is after surgery and I didn't dare show the pic with tears! 
My dogs Huckleberry and Wally have kept me company during my recovery time! I'm finally back to work, but work is helping me out when I have to mop the floors! Thanks to a great cafe staff that really does like me :)
This is so long, that I'll break for now and post more later!
Hugs from me!


Jeanne said...

I'm sorry you are suffering with your hip and other issues and hoping things start to improve soon! I'm sitting here with an ice bag on my feet tonite because I had 2 cortisone shots today in the tops of my feet. But it's nothing compared to what you're going through. Glad you won the gift certificate to bring a little stash joy while you recuperate!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Oh that sounds horrible Donna...praying for an ease in your pain and symptoms! And for John's company to win the bid.

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

That procedure sounds more like torture! I remember having shots in my wrists once and my gosh that hurt! Praying for you.

Where have I been?

  Life certainly doesn’t stop, does it?  I have missed my blog, yet I wasn’t such a great steward of it these past long years. I was sucked ...